Monday, December 21, 2009


Sure does pay to have good friends, especially if they are excellent cooks and they invite you over to their house for dinner. We started with cheese which is a blue cheese and aged Gouda which we drank some smooth French wine with (Chateau De Nages). I love the crystals that form in aged Gouda and some other aged cheeses. The crystals are from a crystallization of the amino acid, tyrosine (be careful using this useless knowledge you could come across as a pretentious cheese head).
Next were some shrimp that got devoured cooked with garlic and dill. You can't go wrong with shrimp, as long as they're not overcooked. If they are pink, take them off the heat, no one likes shrimp jerky. Mark cooked these perfectly and they were nice and tender.
For dinner, it was potatoe (I accidentally wrote that so there you go D.Q.) pancakes, green beans, capellini onions and prime rib. The potato pancakes have butter, cream, cheese, and cream cheese in them so additional explanation is unnecessary and would detract from the taste already developing in your mind. I may be somewhat partial as the grandson of a cattle rancher, but rare beef is pretty much the lion of meets. This roast was seasoned with dry mustard, fennel seeds, salt, and some other spices which I don't remember the names of only the taste. Don't think I got any blood on me, but would have cared about as much as a ravenous lion with a gazelle leg hanging from its mouth. Thanks for dinner guys, it was awesome.

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