Friday, December 18, 2009

Five spice chicken

This is a Panchpuran (five spice blend) chicken risotto I made. Five spice is an Indian spice blend that includes cumin, fennel, methi, mustard and calonji seeds. I browned the chicken in the pot I used for the risotto and finished it in the oven. The only five spice I used in the risotto was what was leftover from browning the chicken which I deglazed with some red wine. The risotto was awesome, and not to brag but somehow the chicken turned out perfectly cooked. This blend had a great licorice taste from the fennel that really stood out.

I had a bottle of Cruz Alta Malbec with this dish. Some people may prefer a white with the chicken and risotto, but I opened a bottle of red immediately after walking in the door long before dinner evolved.

I didn't use a recipe, but below are the basics:

-Brown five spice seasoned chicken breasts in risotto pot with olive oil
-Once browned finish in oven at 350 for about 15 minutes
-Deglaze risotto pot with red wine
-Saute a small onion, 2 cloves garlic, 2 Tbs butter, pepper
-Cook risotto as shown on box, but substitute 1/3 of chicken broth for water (otherwise it will be too salty)
-Add 1/4 tsp cayenne
-Top with fresh Parmesan

1 comment:

  1. I love how you say "Not to brag". Ha! It looks good! See you later tonight. Bring the camera!
