Sunday, December 27, 2009

Baked Brie

Baked brie is excellent when it's paired with something sweet.  This recipe is simple and only requires a few ingredients but yields a tasty mound of gooey cheese wrapped in flakey puff pastry.  Who wouldn't like that?  I had a 2008 HeartsWork Well Red with it which is an organic California red wine.  The wine was very fruity, although it had a bit of a sour finish.  I'm indifferent to organic vs. non-organic products, but for wine the organic wines have less sulfites than traditional wines, sometimes nearly none.  Sulfur dioxide occurs naturally in the fermentation process, but is also added as a preservative in wines.  Some people have allergic reactions to these and therefore may avoid wine altogether.  For these people organic wine may present some opportunities to enjoy some grape nectar without the nasty side effects. 

Recipe Link

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