Monday, December 7, 2009

Brew time

Been a while for brewing, once you have a few beers it all comes back though. Brewed a barley wine and an American pale ale. If all the sugar in the barley wine gets converted, it should be somewhere around 11% alcohol. It's hopped with 4 oz. of Fuggles, and another 2 oz. of Kent Goldings will be added to the fermenter to dry hop it. It's going to have to age for at least 6 months in the bottles, so have to wait until next fall for a report. The pale ale will be about 5%, and fairly dark for a pale ale since we used a little extra malt. It was hopped with an ounce of Centennial and an ounce of Willamette.

Full 5 gallon boil of the barley wine.

Wort chilling

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