Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hanger Steak

Don't think I'll need to go into a lot of detail on how good this hanger steak from Print Works Bistro was. Hanger steak is one of my favorite steaks due to the awesome flavor which is much different than most steaks and it can be very tender too. The hanger steak is said to get much of its flavor due to its proximity to the kidneys. This steak reminded me of this article I read a few months back about off cuts of meat. Off cuts can be a gem for both flavor and value. In the US, this the hanger steak is often not even separated, but rather ground into hamburger. Hamburger is good, but this thing is way too good to turn into burgers not to mention there is only one per steer. If you have a good butcher, or are at a restaurant with some off cuts give them a try you might be surprised.

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