Saturday, December 5, 2009

Pork tenderloin and mushroom risotto

This a pork tenderloin prepared by my friends Mark and Ashley. The pork was marinated in a rosemary marinade then pan fried and finished in the oven. It was cooked perfectly, not over cooked. It's Ok to have pork on the medium to medium well side, you don't have to char the damn thing. The risotto was cooked with the mushrooms and onions giving it a distinct mushroom flavor. I like it when risotto is cooked with something the whole time, it can really take on some great flavors. Both were paired with several bottles of red wine starting with a Zinfandel, then Pinot Noir, and a Corvidae Rook. The wine of the night was a Corvidae Rook Cabernet Merlot Syrah. This the third and final wine, (and no that's not the only reason it was the best) was very smooth and rich with a cherry taste.

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