Saturday, December 5, 2009

Lamb chops and Scalloped Potatoes

Here is a dish I made of Lamb chops and scalloped potatoes. I marinated the lamb for about 2 hours in a garlic, rosemary, and olive oil marinade. I cooked them for about 4 minutes on both sides in a nonstick frying pan. My opinion, but lamb chops should be medium rare or medium at most. If you don't like that, eat a pork chop and don't waste baby sheep. The potatoes are a classic Gratin Dauphinois taken directly from Julia Child. I used cheddar cheese as opposed to Swiss because that's what I had. The potatoes and lamb were great, I paired them with a Chilean Carmenare while watching Band of Brothers.

Here are the recipes I used:
Lamb Chops
Gratin Dauphinois - see page 523 of her book

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