Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lamb Ragu

Decided on a lamb ragu with homemade spaghetti for dinner tonight after reading a very interesting article in the NY Times about Italian cooking today. Not really much to a ragu, just takes awhile to come together and for the lamb to get tender. For the pasta, I used an egg dough which was just two eggs and a cup of flour so pretty easy on that too. Easy does not mean it doesn't create a giant mess in the kitchen however, but not really something I care about anyhow. Actually, two cleanup nightmares were narrowly avoided or I probably would have cared. Didn't really use a recipe, but here are the basics:

1 onion
2 carrots
2 stalks celery
1/2 pound stew lamb
1/2 cup red wine
1tbs tomato paste
4 Roma tomatoes
1 can Roma tomatoes
3 cups beef stock
bay leave


  1. Wow! I'm completely impressed!

  2. Looks amazing! Watch out Lisa will be at your door for dinner tonight!
