Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Dinner

Easter dinner cooking again w/mom and Mean Aunt Kathy. Started about 9:00 this morning marinating the leg of lamb, and making the Dulce de Leche for the cheesecake. First time actually making the dulce de leche, but pretty easy really. Just take a can of sweetened condensed milk and put it in some simmering water for a few hours. It turns into a caramel which can go on almost any desert or in some cheese cake.

So for dinner was shrimp cocktail, poached egg salad, garlic mashed potatoes, asparagus, dinner rolls, leg of lamb, and Dulce de Leche cheesecake. Sounds like a lot, and it was. My stomach is bursting, and feel like I gained 10 pounds today. With all this cooking, you could imagine what that could do to a kitchen, so I've included a picture of that as well. It pretty much blows it up by the way.
Martini shrimp cocktail

Fried poached egg arugula salad with blue cheese and bacon.
Slow roasted leg of lamb with mint and lemon zest.
Dulce de Leche cheesecake


  1. if there's any cheesecake left, please Fed Ex to your dear friend in Miami, who is Dulce De Leche obsessed!

  2. Yes I will take a slice of the cheesecake please!
