Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Hope I can live up to the task of describing the best taco/burrito shop east of the Mississippi. Possibly even east of east San Diego, but don't want to rule out several parts of New Mexico and Colorado. I've been to both the Aventura and South Beach locations of Lime many times and neither ever disappoints in their culinary perfection of the quick burrito/taco/or salad. So here goes, some do's and don't of how to run the perfect burrito/taco shop.

1. Don't have some cheesy saying that everyone stops and says when you walk in, like "Welcome to Mo's". I'm here for a burrito, not an ice cream, and we know they really don't give a shit. At Lime you're always greeted by the uber cool Miami chick at the cash register that tries to make you feel like you're barely cool enough to order. And trust me you barely are, it's that good.

2. Customers should not have the choice of what to put on their burrito. This ends up being a giant mess when the cheap ass in front of you gets every single thing, then the kid behind can't roll it up and it breaks, and you get the point.

3. Salsa bar - you gotta have a salsa bar with some balls. They all have to be good, and there needs to be several, but one's gotta scorch your mouth off if you so choose. Lime has an awesome habanaro choice that will oblige. If that's not enough, they have several in bottles that will burn through Styrofoam.

4. Fish tacos - either you have them every day and they're fresh, or you don't. Not much to say here...

5. There must be outside seating where you can enjoy a burrito in 75 degree weather in February.

Here is a pic of my Chicken Fajita Salad I had: