Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cantina 27 - in Miami Beach

I've spoke on this place before, and it continues to be fantabulous. I would never use that word on my own, and blushed as I typed it, but it surfaced at dinner tonight and is a fitting adjective. My tongue and curious mind had it out with the entree selection as usual upon a return after something great. Tongue desperately wanted the Lamb Ragu again, curious mind wanted something new of course. Ended up getting the Goat Cheese and Pear Ravioli topped with walnuts in a cream sauce. By the end both tongue and mind were ecstatic. Goat cheese and pears worked great together like Nancy Pelosi and the Devil (well maybe not that good). Anyways, here's a pic and can't wait for my next visit.


  1. Looks great and you crack me up about the word fantabulous! Who said this? Was it Allison?

  2. You are bad.... still loving the Democrats I can see!
