Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Clam Chowder and Grouper

Had an excellent clam chowder the other night. First time making this, and glad I did because it was great and pretty easy. Used this recipe from Epicurious and added a can of corn and left out the Sherry. For the grouper, I cooked it after a dish I had at Il Migliore in Miami which I was fortunate enough to enjoy a few months back. I salted the grouper well, then pan fried it in some great olive oil. When it was about done, in another pan I sauteed some chopped garlic, grape tomatoes, and basil. That's all there is to it, and it only takes about 5 minutes for a simple but awesome grouper entree. Sometimes it's not about fancy sauces or marinating something in some overpowering marinade for 4 days, but just some great ingredients, proper seasoning and a good frying pan. And good wine of course.

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