Monday, December 6, 2010

Y Fenni - Red Dragon Cheese

 Bush tax cuts are extended, time to break out the $25/lb cheese. This is a great cheddar cheese with mustard seeds and Welsh ale. I like cheese and beer and when you put them together that works too. I would really like to try this on a grilled ham and cheese some day.


  1. Butter, bread, hot pan, this cheese and a bottle of beer = one righteous meal. I'll bet those mustard seeds have a nice zing.

  2. I just love cheese and can't believe I've never seen this one before. Thanks for sharing - I'll def give it a try as soon as I come across it!

    PS - I didn't see a follow button but I've added you to my follow list! (and thanks for your follow - I appreciate it!)

  3. Nice to see this - I live on the border near Wales and we can get this in Monmouth market lovely. I'm addicted to Davidstow mature cheddar and Theakstons Old Peculier.

  4. I love Old Peculier, I actually brewed a clone of it earlier this year. I'll have to check out the Davidstow.
