Saturday, December 11, 2010

Living on $2.50 a day

This morning I was scrounging the pantry for something to eat, and nearly came to the conclusion that I didn't have anything.  Then I remembered one of my favorite meals; rice and beans. It is easy, good and way cheap.  I used pinto beans since that's what I had, and spiced them up with paprika, pepper, and a Chiltepin pepper.  This is considered one of the hottest peppers in the World so only one the size of a pea was enough for the whole dish.

Turned out great, and can't believe I almost thought there was nothing to eat when I could make one of the most consumed meals on the planet.  Sometimes we lose sight of how wealthy we really are, and think there is nothing to eat in a pantry filled with food.  Over three billion people (half the earth) live on less than $2.50 a day.  I bet they could find some meals in my pantry.

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