Sunday, June 13, 2010

Haven't been posting for a week or so, not because I haven't been eating though. Last week brought some awesome food including a grilled cheese w/brie and bacon in NYC, a trip to Bobby Flay's restaurant Mesa Grill, several Stella's, crab risotto w/seared scallops, and shrimp spaghetti.

First time making crab risotto, definitely won't be the last either. Scallops are just cooked in butter for 2 min on each side. Even if you don't think they're done, they are.
New Yorker at Jason's Deli. This sandwich was awesome, but led to a massive case of heartburn that lasted from about 2 - 5 am. Next time I'll have to eat it with a Zantac.
Made this shrimp spaghetti in my apartment kitchen in DE. This was an accomplishment considering it basically has no kitchen equipment.
Stella, and a backup just in case the first one gets empty. Too bad the engineers at BP don't have this type of foresight.
Grilled bacon and brie at The Grey Dog in NYC which is now one of my favorite spots. All their food is great, and they have a really good Belgian beer on tap. Not sure what else you would need.

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