Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Monk fish

Bacon wrapped Monk fish at Mikimotos in Wilmington DE. Think the bock
choy may have actually been a little better. Bacon made the fish a bit
too greasy after the first or second bite. Not to mention I was almost
full from all the edamame before the meal. I wonder if the healthy
aspects of edamame balance out all the salt you put on it.

Carolina Biscuit Kitchen

Best chicken biscuit in NC. If you even for a second would have
thought that title would have gone to Chick Fila or Bojangles it's
time to crawl out of your fastfood chain cave. Be sure to get plenty
to drink with it because it's a real biscuit and it will require some
washing down.


Old Bay shrimp boil at Harry's in Wilmington DE. Old Bay makes this
thing for sure, in addition to the super fresh shrimp and a drop of

Woody's Crab House

Back to Woody's for the second time in as many weeks. Decided to
actually get the crab this time. Overall good, but way too much damn
work for the 4 oz. of meat in them. If I go a third time it will be
Net Buster for sure.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Deep Blue - DE

> Made it just in time for the $4 appetizers. Pretty good ceviche,
> although a bit much juice for me. Even better was the roasted beet
> goat cheese salad. It had a citrus vinaigrette which was perfect
> with the goat cheese and slightly bitter greens. Only bad part is
> the lush cougar sitting accross the bar whose been double fisting
> matinis and wine for way too long and won't zip her whiney trap.
> Guess that's the price you pay for $4 apps and wine.

Woody's Crab House

Got to go to a superb seafood place in nothern Maryland for dinner
last night. Had the "Net Buster" which included shrimp, crabcakes,
lobster, king crab, clams, fish, and broccoli casserole. And a Dogfish
IPA to wash it all down. Everything was great, but felt like I had a
bowling ball in my stomach all the way home.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Late night leftover tacos

Big day of cooking and golf and still up late, so leftovers turned into steak tacos late night. Used everything from dinner except the potatoes to make some steak tacos and had the potatoes on the side.

Stuck on southwestern

Still into cooking southwestern food after my recent trip to Mesa Grill in NYC. It's just good, and I don't cook it that often so it's a nice change. This weekend, I had some ancho chili rubbed steaks with poblano potatoes gratin. Also had a side of grilled corn and tomato salad to go along. Here are the recipes I tried to follow.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Island Creek Oysters

Some awesome oysters from Massachusetts consumed in DE.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Chili rubbed pork loin

Best meal I've cooked in a long time. Chili rubbed pork loin with an apple chili sauce with sides of garlic mashed potatoes and asparagus. Inspired by a recent meal at Mesa Grill, I made a chili rub with chili powder, sugar, salt and cinnamon. The sauce was sauteed onion, apples, Makers Mark, chicken stock, and some chili powder. For the pork loin, I pan seared for about 10 minutes and finished in the oven until medium which is my new favorite way to have pork. The garlic potatoes were Julia Child style with garlic cooked in butter and some milk. Asparagus was steamed and sauteed in butter.

Haven't been posting for a week or so, not because I haven't been eating though. Last week brought some awesome food including a grilled cheese w/brie and bacon in NYC, a trip to Bobby Flay's restaurant Mesa Grill, several Stella's, crab risotto w/seared scallops, and shrimp spaghetti.

First time making crab risotto, definitely won't be the last either. Scallops are just cooked in butter for 2 min on each side. Even if you don't think they're done, they are.
New Yorker at Jason's Deli. This sandwich was awesome, but led to a massive case of heartburn that lasted from about 2 - 5 am. Next time I'll have to eat it with a Zantac.
Made this shrimp spaghetti in my apartment kitchen in DE. This was an accomplishment considering it basically has no kitchen equipment.
Stella, and a backup just in case the first one gets empty. Too bad the engineers at BP don't have this type of foresight.
Grilled bacon and brie at The Grey Dog in NYC which is now one of my favorite spots. All their food is great, and they have a really good Belgian beer on tap. Not sure what else you would need.